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Practice Groups

Fun in the Pool

Discovery Group

Ages 6-10

This group provides a solid foundation for entry-level swimmers who are able to swim 25 yards of two of the four competitive strokes and use free breathing to the side. The emphasis in all sessions is on stroke technique and overall skill development of the four competitive strokes, along with starts, turns and finishes. The flexible commitment and training routine allows for a swimmer's participation in other sports or activities. Three weekly practices are offered, and it is recommended swimmers attend at least two-three. 


Cuda Group

Ages 10-13

Swimmers have completed 50's in all four strokes legally as well as a 200 im. At this level we will continue to emphasize the proper technique for all four strokes as well as putting together a training program meant to assist swimmers in obtaining their goals. Practice sessions will continue to emphasize technique work while adding training sets to improve various physical capacities with an emphasis on longer repeats and longer sets that will target improvement in aerobic capacity. This practice group may do up to 4,000 meters per day. Six weekly practices are offered, and it is recommended that swimmers attend at least five. 

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Any and all High School Swimmers

Swimmers at this level have committed to the pursuit of excellence in swimming. They compete regularly, work hard consistently, communicate with the coach, and take ownership of their efforts. They may devote up to 75% of their training sessions to conditioning and the remaining 25% of their practice time toward continued refinement of stroke techniques and turns. Double practices are introduced at this level, and swimmers can expect to swim 4,000 to 8,000 meters per day. Three weekly practices are offered.  


Challenge 1 Group

Ages 8-11

Swimmers will be legal in all four strokes and demonstrate a desire to work to improve. At this level we will continue to emphasize the proper technique for all four strokes as well as putting together a training program meant to assist swimmers in obtaining their goals. Practice sessions will continue to include technique work while adding training sets to improve various physical capacities. This practice group may do up to 3000 meters/practice, and dryland training will assume a more prominent role as well.  Four weekly practices are offered, and it is recommended that swimmers attend at least three. 


Junior Group

Ages 12-15

This group is designed for those swimmers who are making the transition from age group to senior-level swimming. These swimmers have shown the ability to perform all strokes consistently within practices, possess a positive attitude, and excellent practice-management skills. They devote 50% of their training sessions to conditioning and the remaining 50% of their practice time toward continued refinement of stroke techniques and turns. This practice group can expect to swim 3,500 to 6,000 meters per day. Six weekly practices are offered, and it is recommended that swimmers attend at least five.


Challenge 2 Group

Ages 9-12

Swimmers will be legal in all four strokes and demonstrate a desire to work to improve. At this level we will continue to emphasize the proper technique for all four strokes as well as putting together a training program meant to assist swimmers in obtaining their goals. Practice sessions will continue to include technique work while adding training sets to improve various physical capacities. This practice group may do up to 3000 meters/practice, and dryland training will assume a more prominent role as well. Five weekly practices are offered, and it is recommended that swimmers attend at least three-four.

Swimming Pool

Senior Group

Ages 14-18

Swimmers at this level have committed to the pursuit of excellence in swimming. They compete regularly, work hard consistently, communicate with the coach, and take ownership of their efforts. They may devote up to 75% of their training sessions to conditioning and the remaining 25% of their practice time toward continued refinement of stroke techniques and turns. Double practices are introduced at this level, and swimmers can expect to swim 4,000 to 8,000 meters per day. Eight weekly practices are offered, and swimmers are expected to attend at least seven.  

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