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Volunteer & Meet Support Guidelines

Since the Barracudas are a volunteer, not-for-profit, parent-run organization, we cannot operate without parental involvement, which is vital to the success of the team. Each family must volunteer their time throughout each season per the volunteer requirements and work at each of our home meets.  Sign up to volunteer at meets through your Active account.


Become an official for Team Sopris!

With the coming graduation of some swimmers whose parents are officials, we need to replace them in order to continue to host and attend meets. Thanks for your interest, this role is a crucial in our continued viability.
Some of the perks include:  Significant reduction in your monthly swim dues, some meets will waive your swimmers Splash fees when you officiate at their swim meet.

Step by step information to be come an official - CLICK HERE   (updated 2024)


Official Positions:

Adiministrative Official AO

Stroke and Turn 

Deck Ref


Returning Officials clinics  (Will be posted when clinics are available)


If you have any specific questions, please contact



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